Voters in the Perry School District are asked to head to the polls this coming Tuesday for a special election regarding school funding.
Per Iowa law, the District must hold an election to approve their updated revenue purpose statement (RPS), which outlines how they can utilize the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds. More commonly known as the statewide penny for infrastructure, the sunset on the 1% sales tax was extended through 2050, though the State Legislature required districts to pass an RPS through a public vote. Superintendent Clark Wicks points out that if voters choose “Yes” during the election, it will not lead to a tax increase. Simply put, he says it will allow Perry schools to access the SAVE funds for future infrastructure, safety, and technology projects. Specifically, the money will be used in the immediate future for improvements to Perry Middle School.
The polls for the special election will be open March 3rd from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Residents in Dallas and Greene counties will vote at the McCreary Community Building in Perry, while Boone County residents will vote at the County Shed in Berkley. To view a detailed outline of the Perry revenue purpose statement, click the link below to view a sample ballot.