The first meeting of 2020 for the 100+ People for Perry group was held Monday evening, and the organization they chose to support was the Perry Little League Association.
The group pledged around $7,600 to the nonprofit club, which will be used to purchase a new scoreboard for their primary field in Pattee Park, as well as fence repairs. The project was chosen from three that were presented by members, with each person donating $100. This is the 17th donation for 100+ People for Perry, and they’ve pledged around $118,000 since forming in 2016. In addition to the presentations on the proposed projects, the group also got an update from their previous beneficiaries, Raccoon River Pet Rescue.
The goal of the charitable organization is to make four large donations every year, in order to invest in the City’s future and enhance the quality of life for residents. The next donation meeting will be on Monday, May 18th, and the group is always looking for new members. Anyone interested in joining can reach out to organizers Mark Powell at 515-465-4641 or mpowel@fdplawfirm.com, Tom Lipovac at Tom.Lipovac@perry.k12.ia.us, or LInda Kaufman at kaufmanlinda1948@gmail.com. Any current members who weren’t able to attend Monday’s meeting can drop off their check at the Finneseth, Dalen, and Powell Law Firm.