Thousands of people descended upon Perry High School Saturday, taking part and taking in the 36th annual Perry Band Olympics.
There were over 1,300 students from nine schools including Perry, each performing for judges at 17 different centers throughout the day. For new Perry Band Director Rachel Poss — taking part in her first Band Olympics after being on the job for less than two months — the event was a bit of controlled chaos, but she also felt it was a valuable learning experience. “I feel that overall the day has been pretty good. The big picture: really no huge issues. But I’ve been keeping track of little things we can change for next year that can make all the behind-the-scenes things go a little smoother. I’m thankful for all the schools that continue to participate, it’s an incredible event. And all the judges that also participate. And I’m looking forward to growing it and making it even better next year!”
Poss added, she had good feedback from the visiting directors who told her the day progressed mostly how it typically does, which she found comfort in. The event culminated in the awards ceremony, emceed by Perry Superintendent Clark Wicks. The grand champion for this year was Dowling Catholic High School from West Des Moines.