In three years the 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County has contributed $130,000 to various organizations and causes in the county, and they hope to expand on that effort in 2020.
The group meets quarterly to nominate groups or projects that could use a boost in funding, and with each member donating $100 and business contributions combined, the chosen recipient receives at least $10,000. The projects can only be nominated by group members, so organizer Kristen Crouthamel encourages those who’d like to help support their community and interests to join, “A majority of our members are kind of along the Guthrie Center and Panora, Highway 44 areas and we would love to see more participation from the group in the communities along White Pole Road like Casey, Menlo, Adair, Stuart; communities along (Highway) 141 like Bagley, Jamaica, Bayard, Yale.”
The 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County’s quarterly meetings have moved from the third Thursday of the month to the fourth Tuesday. The next meeting is on Tuesday, February 25th at the Lake Panorama National Conference Center at 6 p.m. Newcomers are welcome to attend, and Guthrie County State Bank has sponsored to pay the first $100 of the bar tab, so attendees are encouraged to arrive early and socialize with others. Those who’d like more information on the group can email 10squaredgc@gmail.com or visit here.