A Guthrie Center woman, who was arrested for allegedly using drugs near the Middle Raccoon River, has been given a deferred judgment.
Court documents show 27-year-old Elissa Nicole Grove pleaded guilty to conspiring to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to deliver marijuana, a class D felony; and possession of methamphetamine first offense, a serious misdemeanor. Grove’s judgment and pronouncement of sentence is deferred for her to be placed on two years of probation for each crime, to be served concurrently. All other charges were dismissed for Grove. She must pay over $1,700 in civil penalties, law enforcement initiative surcharges, and other expenses. If Grove completely satisfies the terms and conditions of her probation, she shall be discharged and her criminal record in regards to this case will be expunged.
This case pertains to a September 2019 incident in which an Iowa Department of Natural Resources conservation officer found Grove and another person at the river access area on 248th Street who stated “they were using.” Grove confirmed there was THC wax in her wallet and gave consent for a search of her vehicle, where more drugs and two knives were found.