
From outdoor movie nights to downtown beautification projects, Main Street Guthrie Center serves to create economic vitality and promote the City, but not without the community’s financial assistance.

The non-profit organization is holding its annual donation drive to help continue its goals of promoting downtown commerce, being a resource for local businesses, restore historic buildings, and host community events. Director Dana Buster says the organization has already scheduled 11 events for this year, “I know that everybody probably already knows by now, but Main Street Guthrie Center is run solely on private donations. So we require them to continue to operate and I just gave you that huge schedule of events for Main Street this year and we just keep adding events and so it helps to fund those things, it helps to provide services to local businesses, activities, just in general just helps keep us trucking forward and improving our local economy and our local downtown.”

For a link to donate, visit here.