Last week, the Iowa Senate approved a resolution for an amendment to the state constitution.
District 24 Senator Jerry Behn of Boone says Senate Resolution, SJR 2001, does not guarantee the right to an abortion and ensures the taxpayer doesn’t have to pay for an abortion. The resolution was approved 32-18 along party lines. Behn says the amendment stems from a decision made by the Iowa Supreme Court last year when they struck down the “heartbeat bill.” The bill would have made it illegal to have an abortion after a fetus heartbeat was detected.
“The very notion that our supreme court felt that they could create a change to the constitution, that they could literally alter our constitution, on a split decision mind you, that’s what I call judicial activism at it’s finest.”
Behn points out in 1857 a bill was passed by the legislature that made it illegal to have an abortion unless it’s to save the life of a mother. Behn explains, the Senate’s resolution is to give that decision back to the legislature.
“The idea that it’s specifically anti-abortion is not accurate. I’ll be right up front with you, if it was I would be happy with that too.”
Behn says if the resolution becomes an amendment to the constitution then bills like the “heartbeat bill” could be enforced, along with other abortion measures passed by the legislature. Behn notes the resolution must now pass the House and then it has to pass both chambers again next year, followed by a final vote by Iowans before a change in the constitution can happen.