Public Service Announcements
Due to the number of cattle calls that we receive, please call the Sheriff’s Office and let us know where you have your cattle and your cellphone number.
3:25 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
7:45 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard
9:30 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
10:15 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a 2-vehicle accident in Panora
10:50 am Stuart Police responded to a report of a counterfeit bill on S Division St
12:01 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Bayard
2:55 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Panora
3:05 pm Stuart PD did a welfare check on a possibly suicidal female
4:44 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
5:22 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of harassment in Guthrie Center
6:08 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
6:14 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of an erratic driver on Hwy 44
8:41 pm Guthrie Co Deputy attempted to serve civil papers in Stuart
9:26 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Guthrie Center
7:00 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a single vehicle accident on White Pole Road
10:15 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a 2-vehicle accident in Guthrie Center
11:42 am Guthrie Co Deputy assisted DHS with a removal in Guthrie Center
12:45 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on N Gaines St
4:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputy and Panora Police responded to an alarm on Tie Road
12:45 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
9:15 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate from Washington Co to GCSO for court
12:57 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of an ATV driving on the street
3:37 pm Panora Police responded to a report of a 2-vehicle accident in Panora
5:37 pm Panora Police responded to suspicious activity on W Lane St
6:12 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a residential burglar alarm on Wood Rd
11:47 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle in Stuart
4:25 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a burglary in Bayard
6:42 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
7:30 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate from Boone Co Jail to the courthouse for court
9:42 am Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a case follow up in Bayard
11:54 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported 2 prisoners to Boone Co Jail
1:30 pm Casey Fire Dept & Menlo Fire Dept responded to a house fire in rural Casey
2:30 pm Panora Fire & Ambulance responded to a residential fire alarm at Lake Panorama
2:40 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from GCH to Des Moines
3:01 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted a pedestrian in Guthrie Center
4:35 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation on Rose Ave
6:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on Wagon Rd
6:49 pm Stuart Police assisted a motorist by Stuart
7:52 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Dexter
8:12 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Stuart
10:12 pm Panora Police responded to a family situation in Panora
10:28 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy
10:30 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a single vehicle accident on Frontier Rd
2:30 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of something in the roadway @ Lake Panorama