The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
The Board heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer, who talked about each of the downtown city-owned buildings. Palmer said Heartland Bank has officially moved into one of the bays at 200 East State Street. He mentioned demolition has started on the former AirTemp building, the former Pizza Ranch building is ready for storefront glass to be installed, and Angie’s Teagarden has had asbestos removed and are waiting on cost estimates to replace the roof. Palmer then mentioned that the City Council will discuss combining the Jefferson Matters: Main Street and Jefferson Area Chamber director positions into one unified position.
County Engineer Wade Weiss also gave an update. He asked the Board if he could hire a company to remove two trees near the Secondary Road Department building in Paton. He said the trees needed to be removed so the building’s renovations could be completed. The amount of money for the project wouldn’t exceed what the County requires before it needed to be publicly bid. The Board agreed with the request.
The Board then approved the resolution for a new 28E agreement for dispatching services with the City of Jefferson. The amount that would be paid for dispatching services would increase from $25,000 to $35,000 starting July 1st of the 2021 fiscal year. The agreement then stipulates a $10,000 per fiscal year increase until the total amount reaches $55,000.
Next, the Board held a discussion on the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan must be updated every five years. Region XII Council of Governments administers the plan. They reviewed essential and critical services and added projects that would qualify for future Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds. Those projects include: snow removal equipment, a new county jail, ambulance service equipment, security enhancements for county facilities, warning systems for Spring Lake Park, secondary roads equipment and a new communication tower. No formal action was taken by the Board following the discussion.
The Board then approved a letter of support for a new Greene County Early Learning Center building project. The letter stated the Board would commit $250,000 of local option sales and services tax (LOSST) funds as part of the Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation grant application.
Finally, the Board approved an information technology services agreement for the law enforcement center with Oxen Technology from Ames. The agreement includes a one-time fee of $3,200 to remove and install equipment, along with a $2,600 monthly fee. The agreement is due to another services agreement with Access that was terminated.