
The Greene County Medical Center is hosting two upcoming programs.

The meetings for the Diabetes Support Group for the year have been announced. The first meeting will take place tomorrow in the education classroom of the medical center from 1-2pm. The topic will be on “Getting More Active to Improve Diabetes” and exercise specialist Emily Christensen will lead the discussion. The rest of the meetings for the year will be on April 8th, June 10th, October 14th and December 9th. The meetings are free and open to the public. For more information call 515-386-0469. 

There will also be a free workshop on rotator cuff and shoulder pain. Deb Morton with 21st Century Rehabilitation will lead the program. Topics that will be covered include the causes of shoulder pain and how to get rid of it, what the rotator cuff is and what it does and how to treat shoulder pain without medicine or injections. It will be at 5:30pm also in the education classroom. Space is limited and reservations are suggested by calling 515-386-4284.