
Four precinct locations in the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area have been included in a requested limited scope recanvass of last week’s Iowa Democratic Caucus.

Upon Monday’s deadline for presidential campaigns to request a recanvass, the Iowa Democratic Party announced it has two requests from the campaigns of Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders for a recanvass of 66 and 28 precincts respectively, totalling 85 after removing duplicities. This includes District 4 Southeast in Orient and Gold in Guthrie Center requested by Sanders, and Waukee 5 and a satellite precinct at Spurgeon Manor in Dallas Center requested by Buttigieg.

In accordance with the IDP Delegate Selection Plan, the Recount/Recanvass Committee will review the requests to determine whether each meets the required criteria. The committee will transmit its assessment of the requests to each respective campaign within 48 hours. In the event of a recanvass, the IDP will analyze the requested precincts to correct any inconsistencies between the reported results and their official record of result from caucus night, as signed by the precinct chair, secretary, and campaign representatives. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.