There are just a couple days left for interested Jefferson residents to run for a special city council election.
According to Greene County Deputy Auditor Billie Hoskins, as of Tuesday morning Sean Sebourn and Pat Zmolek have submitted nomination papers to be on the March 3rd special election ballot. Last month, the Jefferson City Council decided to hold a special election to fill a two-year term vacancy on the council, after former Council member Matt Gordon became the new mayor. Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer encourages any eligible voter who lives within city limits to run for the vacant seat.
“If somebody would like to run, they can obtain their papers and turn them into the county (auditor’s office). They need 25 signatures to do that, to be placed on the ballot. Once you are placed on the ballot then let the voting begin. So we have that special election and get someone in that seat. It’s to finish a two-year term.”
Nomination papers are due to the Greene County Auditor’s Office by 5pm Friday. Anyone with questions about the vacant seat can contact City Hall at 515-386-3111.