Greene County Supervisors hear funding request from Greene Co Early Learning Center
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
The Board heard a $250,000 funding request for the new building project for the Greene County Early Learning Center. The estimated cost of the 12,000-square-foot facility is $2.7 million. The presentation was made by the Early Learning Center Board Co-Presidents Jacque Andrew and Bill Monroe, along with Board Secretary Donna Sutton and Director Cherie Cerveny. Supervisor Chair John Muir said it was hard to argue against building a new child care facility and views having quality child care as something the Board should help with. The Supervisors informally supported the request. A resolution will be created for formal approval at a future meeting.
During open forum, Greene County Ambulance Director Michele Madsen presented the Board with a certification to continue the ambulance service for three years, after a successful inspection by the Iowa Department of Public Health. No deficiencies were found and the next inspection is January 21, 2023. Madsen noted that Churdan Rescue was also re-certified for three years after completing their inspection.
County Engineer Wade Weiss also gave an update during open forum. He said he is applying for federal funds to be used on a pavement resurfacing project on County Road E-57 to County Road P-14. Additionally, Central Iowa Community Services Representative Patti Treibel-Leeds then announced that current administrative member Russel Wood will be the new CICS CEO starting July 1st, following the retirement of the current CEO Jody Eaton.
County Attorney Thomas Laehn then gave an update during open forum. He said the first criminal trial of 2020 will take place Tuesday. He then announced a grand jury would be impaneled on February 11th. He said there is no special reason for the grand jury, but one must be convened to exist for the rest of the year. Laehn explained, the reason for a grand jury is for jury to have the authority to initial prosecution for a criminal case and to inspect county facilities.
Finally, the Board approved the 2019 calendar year wages for publication as presented.