Winter storms have a tendency to cause power outages this time of year, so Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management informs the public of how to stay warm and safe in those situations.
Emergency Management Coordinator Bob Kempf says just like emergency supply kits should be stored in your vehicle, the same is advised for your home. This should include one gallon of water per person per day as well as a supply of non-perishable food items for at least three days. With this in stock, Kempf says that can deter people from wasting energy, “One of the important things is you know we seem to lose electricity for a little bit longer period of time with our winter storms compared to the summer storms. Making sure that you’re not opening and closing your refrigerator or freezer a lot. You know if the power goes out that refrigerator or freezer will keep things in it for a long time if you’re not opening and closing it all the time.”
Other emergency supplies to keep on hand should include a battery-powered radio and a weather radio, extra batteries, and blankets. Kempf also emphasizes the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and home fires that can be caused in the winter. He says generators and grills should only be used outdoors and away from windows, you should never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven, and to always use space heaters safely.