
Several potential projects were discussed as the Guthrie Center School Board worked to update their five year facility plan this week.

Needs for the high school that were mentioned included installing doors to 10 classrooms in the northeast pod of the building. Superintendent Dennis McClain commented that the project would possibly take a couple years as there would be extensive work to create door frames for those rooms. Business Manager Joni Rees mentioned that the family and consumer sciences room could use new cabinetry.

A priority for the elementary building is new plumbing, as the current system was installed in 1959. Elementary Principal Diane Flanery showed interest in adding some new interactive pieces to the playground. The wooden structure is about 30-years-old, and while Flanery emphasized that the students do still enjoy the playground, many of its interactive pieces are no longer functional.

The Board divided their project list into those that are ongoing needs and those considered “special,” for example, the weight room/fitness center addition. Ongoing projects for the District included asphalt and other pavement patching; carpet, linoleum, and countertop replacement; roof repairs; and bus replacement, which High School Principal Gerald Thomas mentioned they have received a $20,000 grant from a state program to replace a diesel bus in their fleet. No action was taken on the facility plan.