The Raccoon River Valley Trail provides recreational opportunities year round, from running to biking and on some stretches snowmobiling.
The continued success of the trail is made possible by user permits. The 2020 calendar year permits are $10 and can be purchased at any Guthrie County trailhead, or by stopping by the County Conservation office on the southwest side of the historical village and museum in Panora. Daily permits are $2, and user permits are required for all trail users 18 years and older.
Guthrie County Conservation Director Brad Halterman says these permit fees are needed as it’s extremely difficult for the decades-old trail to compete for grants against newly constructed trail systems, “Those funds here in Guthrie County are focused on being used as a match for a grant or work to be done on the trail. To rehab the trail, heaven forbid if something happens to repair the trail so that’s what those funds go (toward). They are specifically targeted to go back onto the trail for work to be done.”
The permit proceeds could one day help Guthrie County do a concrete resurfacing project from Yale north to the county line, a desire had by trail users and previous Conservation Director Joe Hanner. You can also purchase a trail pass and become a “Friend of the Raccoon River Valley Trail” online by visiting this story at raccoonvalleyradio.com. (https://raccoonrivervalleytrail.org/become-a-friend-of-the-trail/)