Former Maryland Congressman John Delaney paid his third visit to Guthrie County Tuesday as part of his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Delaney spoke to a group of around 15 people at Owl’s Nest in Panora where attendees from around Guthrie County and even Drake University ate dinner on his dime and heard his views on education, climate change, Social Security and Medicare, and investment in rural communities. Delaney was the first Democratic candidate to announce his campaign for the 2020 race in July of 2017. Since then around 40 people have joined the race and nearly half that number has dropped out. Delaney explains why he’s still in the running, “Well, I like to finish what I start and I also believe that these issues that I’m fighting for are really worth being part of this debate. You know as I said at the beginning this is not about me, this is about trying to help people making sure good ideas are part of the debate and standing up fighting for people. So I don’t think voters want a quitter.”
Some policies Delaney proposed at the event were expanding K-12 education to PreK-14, effectively including preschool and trade school or community college into the public education fold; and targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Voters will choose who they think should be their party nominee for the presidential race at the Iowa caucus February 3rd.