
The Perry City Council convened Tuesday evening for a regular session on a special night.

The meeting was pushed back a day due to Monday being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. During open forum, Chamber of Commerce Director Lynsi Pasutti gave an update on upcoming events, including the BRR Ride on Saturday, February 1st. The action items began with approval of the renewal of the City’s Federal Migratory Bird Depredation permit for 2020, which allows the use of turkey vulture effigies as a deterrent to the nesting carrions. Following that, the Council approved an official vote of support for the renovation of the McCreary Community Building, which opens additional funding sources. They then approved the annual Water Works Department report from Water Superintendent Matt Holmes.

Other items approved included: a resolution approving tax abatement applications for 2019 construction; authorizing the disposal of two outdated vehicles; and a professional services agreement with Bolton and Menk for the 2020 downtown street improvement project. The meeting concluded with approval of two administrative settlements for land acquisition for the runway extension at the Perry Municipal Airport. The land was the last the City needed to acquire for the project. To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at