The City of Stuart’s sesquicentennial celebration is five months away, and the planning committee has recently announced their theme and logo for the event.
The committee is embracing the City’s origins as the division headquarters of the Rock Island Railroad and the development that came from it with the theme “On the Right Track.” Committee Marketing Head Tracy Mahlstadt says she was amazed at how the railroad spurred growth to the community, as it once held a cigar factory, a brewery, as well as hotels, banks, stores, and so on. Mahlstadt says the theme reflects the present and future of Stuart, “Jumping forward 150 years with the recent revitalization of the storefronts downtown as well as the resurfacing of the streets we really feel that our theme ‘On the Right Track,’ plays into that.”
The logo heavily features railroad tracks, as well as the City’s notable landmarks, history, and its people. The sesquicentennial committee is hard at work with subcommittees planning the historical book, legacy/beautification projects, entertainment and more. If you wish to be a sponsor or volunteer, contact Cheryl Marks at 515-480-0767 or Lisa Sherman at 515-249-3808.