
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors approved designating the Conservation Board to inspect areas for forest or fruit tree reservation property tax exemption earlier this week.

County Assessor Nikki Carrick proposed this change to the Supervisors which would make the Conservation Board the official to approve the exemption applications, “In the past my office has been that department that would be approving it. Sometimes we would go out in the field to verify that there were trees there, if I couldn’t verify them from the aerials. Sometimes when new ones are planted, obviously you’re not going to see those from the aerials.”

Carrick said she thinks this is a good fit for Conservation, as they have the expertise and background in forestry. Conservation Director Brad Halterman balked at Carrick’s compliment but said he is happy to have this collaboration with the Assessor’s Office. The tax exemption stipulates that forest reservations must have two acres with at least 200 growing forest trees on each acre, and fruit tree reservations must have between 1-10 acres, at least 40 apple or 70 other fruit trees per acre under proper care, annually pruned and sprayed. Livestock is also not permitted on these reservations. In other business, the Supervisors approved the Assessor’s Office recommendations of family farm tax credit applications, and disallowing other applications.