
The recent trend of Democratic Presidential hopefuls visiting Perry will continue tomorrow, as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will make a return trip to northern Dallas County.

Sanders will hold a town hall meet and greet Friday at 6 p.m. at La Poste, with doors opening at 5. The Senator previously held an event at the McCreary Community Building in Perry this past May, but is ramping up his presence in the state ahead of the February 3rd Iowa Caucuses. The town hall is free to attend and open to the public, though space is limited so RSVPs are recommended. Sanders is already the sixth Democratic candidate to visit Perry since the start December, with self-help author Marianne Williamson, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttegieg, former Vice President Joe Biden, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, and California entrepreneur Andrew Yang each holding events.

He’s one of 14 candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the June primary election, each of whom is hoping to catapult to the top of the field in the first caucus in the nation. To RSVP for the Sanders town hall, click the link below.