The Perry Public Library is once again offering a fresh start to the new year for its patrons, with their fine amnesty program.
“Resolve to Read” runs the duration of January, and Library Director Mary Murphy says the promotion is available to readers of all ages. “If you read in the library, you can get your fines cancelled. We really think that fines might be burdensome to some people. So if you find that you have a half hour (to an) hour you can come in and read, every 15 minutes you get a dollar of fine forgiveness. So it’s a win-win!”
Murphy says the fine forgiveness promotion has been successful in years past, and she’s hopeful it will once again encourage people to return to the library. She points out, anyone with more than $5 in fines can’t check anything out, so she encourages people to get under that threshold to regain their privileges. The amnesty only applies to overdue fines, not for lost or damaged materials. To learn more about this and other programs at the Perry Library, listen to today’s and tomorrow’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County programs on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.