As the school year starts up for Greene County Middle School following winter break, the culture of the building continues to thrive in positivity.
Middle School Principal Shawn Zanders says the staff firmly believes in kindness and being respectful towards each other. He points out kindness makes each person feel better about themselves. A program was developed this past summer by Karen Shannon and Deb Marquardt for students to spend every Wednesday during their advisory time on how to show kindness. Zanders believes instilling kindness in middle school students is critical for their personal development.
“If you look at developmental psychology research, this is an ideal time and it’s a really critical time that we help students to develop those skills, to think about other people, to understand how their behavior affects other people (and) what it makes them feel like. Then in turn being able to express themselves and being honest about their feelings. It doesn’t mean that you always have to candy coat things, (but) being assertive, taking responsibility for yourself but also then communicating with other people so they know where you’re at.”
Zanders believes students have been reacting well to the positive program, which is reflected in them showing kindness to each other and getting more involved in activities.