A candidate for President of the United States addressed a standing room only crowd Friday evening in Perry, making his case for the Democratic nomination.
California entrepreneur Andrew Yang stopped into the Perry Perk Coffee Shop, and was greeted by several hundred people crammed into the space. He spent much of the time talking about the dangers the country faces with what he called the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” with more and more things becoming automated and taking jobs from people, and how he plans to address that. He also outlined his plans for the “Freedom Dividend,” which would give every American $1,000 a month as a living supplement.
Yang also emphasized that the way corporations and politicians currently see people is flawed, and promised to halt that method of thinking. “The reason why people are trying to make such ridiculous stretches is because we have confused economic value and human value in this country. Where we’ve said what the market says we are worth is what we are worth, and I’m here to tell you that is wrong. I know what my son is worth, I know what we are worth, and it is up to you to take to the rest of the country the message that we have intrinsic value as human beings and Americans.”
After his speech, Yang answered some questions from attendees and then took pictures with those who wanted one. He is one of 14 individuals vying for the Democratic nomination for President, and like the others he says he respects the influence Iowa has in choosing the primary election winner through the nation’s first caucus.