Dallas County Conservation is bringing out their smallest program leader early this year, hosting an all-ages event called “A Conversation with an Owl.”
Strix, the resident barred owl on Conservation’s interpretive staff, will be joined by Naturalists at the Kuehn Conservation Area on Sunday, January 12th from 4-5:30 p.m. The owl lost the ability to fly several years ago as a result of an incident with a barbed wire fence, but that hasn’t stopped her from a fulfilling life since her rescue. Outreach Coordinator Ken Keffer says attendees can get up close with Strix and ask her questions, and she’s been trained to respond in a variety of ways. He promises the conversation will be both entertaining and enlightening for attendees, and he believes everyone will leave with a better awareness of the birds that inhabit Dallas County.
There is no cost to attend the program, but registration is required as space is limited. For more information or to sign up, stop in or call Forest Park Museum in Perry at 515-465-3577. You can also register by sending an email to conservation@dallascountyiowa.gov.