As we get started on the year 2020, it’s a good time to look ahead at some larger projects around Dallas County.
In particular, the Secondary Roads Department has a lot of work planned for the upcoming construction season. County Engineer Al Miller says they try to do at least one big road project each year, and for 2020 that will be the resurfacing and widening of County Road R16. The project encompasses around five miles between Highway 44 and CR F31, north of Dallas Center. Miller says there will be several other projects throughout the year, but emphasizes the disruption to the public should be minimal compared to other years. “We do have a number of other larger projects on our five year program. We’re kind of in the process of trying to get the design work and plan underway for some of those projects. So the way it looks right now, we’ll have some structures that we’ll do, let to contract, and then that five-mile stretch of pavement rehabilitation that we hope to get in this next construction season.”
Miller adds, they’ll be budgeting for the next fiscal year in the coming weeks, and the updated five year program will be considered in April. He’s hopeful the weather is a little more kind in 2020, as a great deal of time and resources were spent resurfacing and repairing roads since last spring.