For the second year of its implementation a West Central Valley student gets to learn close up what it’s like to serve in an elected position.
Senior Kaila Findley is this school year’s student representative, after applying and being one of two students who were interviewed by Board members and administrators on why they’re best fit to reflect the student body. Findley believes it was her wide swath of interests, including FFA, theater, and athletics, that helped her find a seat at the table, “I would definitely recommend any student that was interested in applying for the position, but I would definitely recommend having a wide range of involvement at school. Because the Board just asks random questions, you don’t prepare for it ahead of time necessarily, things just come up. So having knowledge in lots of different areas is good so that you’re able to answer the questions that come up.”
Besides giving her feedback to the Board on different matters, Findley has begun giving presentations at each meeting, one of which featured the new microphone headsets the theater department received this fall. Findley says she enjoys informing other students, staff, and community members on what’s going on for the School Board.