
Junior Nate Mueller of the ADM Tigers basketball team is an uber talented player who can do some pretty good things with the basketball. Mueller has done a good job at his guard spot so far of creating opportunities for his teammates, as he has 36 assists on the season so far, which deducts to six assists on average per game.

More impressive has been Mueller’s ability to not turn over the the basketball, as he only has 14 turnovers on the year. Mueller has a very guard friendly 2.6/1 assist to turnover ratio, which is one of the best marks in the entire Raccoon River Conference ranks. His ability to play at such a high pace and be that careful with the ball has been key to ADMs last three victories, and helped them stay in every game that they’ve played thus far.

If Mueller can keep up his stellar play, ADM will be in the thick of the Raccoon River Conference race when all is set and done on the year.