The Dallas County Board of Supervisors recently discussed write-off requests for ambulance fees, with several complicated cases to consider.
Dallas County Emergency Medical Services Director Mike Thomason presented three requests to the Board, each of which were recommended by their billing service LifeQuest. The first involved a family that has a health insurance plan through Medicaid. They had a child being treated at Dallas County Hospital in Perry, but their condition worsened and they had to be transported by ambulance to Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines. Only after the transfer was made did anyone find out that interhospital transports were not covered on the family’s plan. The single mother has been unable to pay the ambulance fees and LifeQuest recommended dismissing the charges. However, the Supervisors wanted a bit more information, which Thomason agreed to provide, so action was tabled on the request.
The second item didn’t require action, as Thomason was simply updating the Board on a case where Dallas County Public Health is attempting to set up insurance for an individual that would retroactively pay for the ambulance fees. Thomason said he’ll bring the request back in January once they know more. The final request involved a person who was injured while operating an ATV under the influence of alcohol. The injuries sustained have prevented the individual from working and they didn’t have the money to pay the $600 in ambulance charges. Thomason recommended denying the request, or at most only writing off half, as he felt there should be consequences for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. The Supervisors agreed and rejected the write-off completely.