Wednesday, December 4th
12:38pm: Janice Harbaugh requested a Welfare Check on a subject in the 1200 Block of Rushridge Road. The officer made contact with the subject, who was fine.
2:05pm: An officer spoke to the registered owner of a vehicle, with two flat tires, parked on the street in the 500 Block of South Olive Street. He advised them to remove the vehicle, or face having it towed to Impound.
2:20pm: The Omaha Police Department reported a Sexual Assault Report he received in his community had actually occurred in Jefferson several years ago. Charges were filed by the Jefferson Police Department in the matter several years ago. No action required from the officer.
3:15pm: Charla Grote reported her purse was Stolen/Missing while at the Jefferson Public Library, located at 200 West Lincoln Way Street. She provided the officer with the description of a female that had sat near her. Th officer located the female and was given the purse back. She advised she had grabbed the purse by mistake when she left the Library. The officer returned the purse to Grote, who went through the purse and reported missing Bank Cards. The investigation continues.
4:06pm: An officer was advised of a 911 Hang Up Call from 301 American Avenue. All was fine at the location and the call had been placed in error.
5:10pm: A caller advised of a male, wearing no shoes and short sleeves, acting strangely in the 400 Block of South Locust Street. The officer located the subject in the 200 Block of North Olive Street and spoke with him. He advised he was just on a walk and was going home. He was allowed on his way.
6:55pm: Conner Groves reported a Suspicious Vehicle parked in the alley in the 400 Block of East Lincoln Way Street. The officer spoke to the vehicle’s owner, who removed it from the area.
7:53pm: Scott Cram requested an officer at 305 North Wilson Ave. #5, to remove an unwanted female from the residence. The officer had knowledge the female also lives at the address and advised Cram he would need to do an Eviction Notice on the female, as the officer could not make her leave.
8:56pm: A caller advised of the smell of marijuana in the heating vents at the apartment building located at 306 West Lincoln Way Street. The officers checked the area, but could not locate the source of the smell.
Thursday, December 5th
1:52am: A deputy requested an officer to check on a possible fire at 1502 235 th Street. The officer discovered plastic had melted on the stove top, creating the smell and smoke. No damage was reported.
11:16am: Merissa Massey reported a suspicious female in the 900 Block of North Vine Street. The officer made contact with the female as she was retrieving an item out of a local dumpster. She needed no assistance from the officer.
11:16am: A Traffic Stop in the 500 Block of North Vine Street resulted in Marcia Lowe of Yale being cited for, “Fail to Have a Valid Driver’s License.” During the stop, the officer detected the strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The officer advised he was going to conduct a “Probable Cause Search” of the vehicle, based on the smell. The female driver handed over suspected marijuana, Prescription Medications, and Drug Paraphernalia to the officer voluntarily. The items were seized for testing with charges pending lab results.
1:45pm: Melvin Palmer advised an officer he had received the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Scam Phone Call. He was supposed to send $500.00 to claim his prize. He knew it was a scam and provided no information to the caller. He did not incur a loss.
2:36pm: A caller advised of subjects being at a residence in the 500 Block of North Grimmell Road, against a DHS Court Order. The officer found no one to be home at the reported address.
3:20pm: A Traffic Stop at Elm and Stanford resulted in Kevin Johnson of Stratford being cited for, “Excessive Speed.”
7:31pm: An officer checked the residence of 206 North Elm Street after a 911 Hang Up Call from the address. A child had been playing with the phone and all was fine.
8:41pm: A Traffic Stop at 220th and Mulberry resulted in Megan Bluml of Glidden being cited for, “Excessive Speed.”
9:33pm: Officers responded to a call about the smell of marijuana in the apartment building located in the 300 Block of East Lincoln Way Street. While checking apartments for the smell, the officers made contact with a wanted subject. Kevin Spurlock, 21 of Des Moines was arrested on the, “Fail to Appear” Boone County Arrest Warrant.
10:05pm: Scott Cram requested officers at 305 North Wilson # 5 for a Domestic Argument. The officers met with the highly intoxicated couple and worked to defuse the issue for the evening. The couple went to separate rooms for the rest of the evening.
11:17pm: An officer assisted the GC Ambulance with a Medical Call in the 300 Block of North Wilson Ave.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.