After selling a total of 56 lots in the first and second Wambold addition, the City of Stuart has already broken ground on a third housing addition.
The City has partnered again with the Stuart Enterprise for Economic Development, Inc. to build the All Saints Addition, located off Highway 6 just west of West Central Valley High School. This housing development will offer 39 lots for new construction of single-family residential homes. Stuart Economic Development Director Kristen Renslow says the infrastructure project broke ground the week of November 11th, “So we are anticipating construction to be done in August of 2020, so we will anticipate being able to have people secure lots at that time, making sure that all of the infrastructure is in and it’s ready to go.”
Concrete Technologies, Inc. of Grimes is the contractor of the project, who submitted a base bid of about $1.3 million. Similar to the Wambold additions, the lots will be offered for free, except for legal and abstracting costs.