
As the days following Thanksgiving are synonymous with gift shopping, the Tuesday afterwards is now a time to promote giving charitably, and there is a particular Guthrie County organization that seeks residents’ support.

The Guthrie County 4-H Foundation is raising funds to build a new STATIC Building to replace the former at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds. The new building which would feature a kitchen and up-to-date heating and air-conditioning is estimated to cost $150,000 for its first construction phase. The Guthrie County Fair Board has offered the Foundation the challenge of raising $50,000 to receive the matching two-thirds of funds to get the building up and able to use at the 2020 county fair.

Foundation Chairperson Megan Irlbeck has been involved in 4-H since she was a child, and she shares the value of static exhibits, “They gain lifelong skills – cooking and sewing skills, public speaking skills, interview skills – we’ve learned through 4-H. And they may even find their real passion and that could turn into their future careers. So 4-H is a really important part of a lot of kids’ lives and they deserve this new building so they have a comfortable and up-to-date and safe place to showcase all of the accomplishments that they’ve made throughout the years.”

The Foundation has until March 15th to raise the $50,000, for which they are hosting a prime rib dinner and auction on January 4th at the fairgrounds events center. You can also find more information on making a tax-deductible donation visiting here and specifying the donation is for Guthrie County.