
The Guthrie Center City Council recently approved applicants for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) housing rehabilitation program.

Region XII Council of Governments Housing Programs Coordinator Karla Janning presented a subrecipient contract to the Council at their recent meeting, which they approved. This contract allows for Region XII to administer the CDBG grant funding and billing process of the rehabilitation of six homes. These are within a 60 home target area which lies between downtown and Guthrie Center Elementary. Each home is given a five-year forgivable loan to do $24,999 worth of rehabilitation on their property.

The City received six applications, one which had a discrepancy regarding if the applicant lives primarily at that residence, which is a stipulation of the application. Janning says she would like to get these projects out for bid in February, but the homeowners have three years to complete their projects. The Council approved to move forward with five of the applicants, with Janning looking further into the other application.