The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council heard a quarterly update from Greene County Development Corporation Executive Director Ken Paxton. He said Heartland Bank closed on some lots to build a new building in the GCDC west business park. He also mentioned a new restaurant at the former Ferg’s building in Grand Junction is using the County’s revolving loan fund and is hoping to be open by the end of the year. The Council then approved the quarterly funding request.
The Council then reviewed the City’s quarterly financial report. The report showed the City is at about 13-percent of total revenues for the current fiscal year, while expenses were about 30-percent.
Building Official Nick Sorensen then updated the Council on each of the City-owned buildings. He said the City has spent about $150,000 on 205 North Wilson Avenue, about $230,000 has been spent on renovating 200 East State Street. The former Pizza Ranch building has had about $60,000 of improvements, while the former Air Temp building has about $18,000 invested in renovations. Finally, the City hasn’t spent money on the former Angie’s Teagarden, having taken official ownership last week.
Finally, the Council heard a quarterly report from Jefferson Matters: Main Street. They reviewed the programs and projects that were done in 2019 and previewed the 2020 priorities.