Thanksgiving is tomorrow and as we celebrate with friends and family, food is typically a centerpiece for most get-togethers.
Jefferson Parks and Recreation Wellness Director Simeon Lang recommends sticking with the basics can help during your Thanksgiving meal. He says eating more protein can aid in filling you up.
“Ideally, we get some vegetables in any form or fashion, but without too much added sugars, carbohydrates. Those are where we start to get in trouble, I would say. So any form of vegetable that we can include would be wonderful.”
Lang encourages everyone to not drink extra, unnecessary calories from beverages.
“Let’s try to drink plenty of water. We know it’s good for us. Let’s try to maybe skip out on some of the extra pops or alcohol that we would indulge in. Again if you want one or two, and it fits into your plan, great. Let’s try to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Because our calories in our beverages can kind of sneak up on us.”
Lang adds to eat slowly and chew your food, because it allows your body time to digest and feel as full with less food consumption.