The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors heard from two local insurance providers Tuesday.
Rod Rumelhart of Rumelhart Financial Services and Becky Benton of State Street Insurance presented quotes for property and liability insurance packages from Employers Mutual Casualty Company and Iowa Communities Assurance Pool, respectively. The County has been signed to ICAP since 1990, and the Board tabled action to review the two options.
The Board also reviewed and made suggestions for the introduction letter to voters about the March 3rd election for an $8.7 million bond referendum for a law enforcement center addition to the courthouse and parking lot improvements. Supervisor Mike Dickson pointed out that while the proposed letter mentioned the tax impact being spread over 20 years, he believes the Board will decide whether to do a 20-year or 15-year structure after the election.
The Samuels Group Marketing Manager Shelley Rowe said that for most of the previous projects she’s worked on the tax structure was agreed upon before an election. She said she would consult with project manager Sid Samuels on the matter, but would bring an updated letter for the Board’s approval next week, with it anticipated to be mailed to over 4,000 households in mid-December. Rowe also showed the Board progress on the referendum’s website, Facebook page, and community meeting schedule, which is set to begin January 7th.