Theft: Trevor Anthony of Adel, reported a scam in the 1100 block of S. 16th St. Items estimated at $54,000.00.
Theft: Jim Peters of Adel, reported a fraud in the 900 block of S. 14th St. Items estimated at $169.00.
Arrest: Autumn Raelynn Stout age 19, 600 S. 12th St., #3C, Adel, was arrested on A Dallas County warrant for Failure to Appear, original charge of Driving while license suspended.
Theft: Janice Sanger of Adel, reported a fraud in the 300 block of N. 6th St. No loss occurred.
Arrest: David Michael Anthofer, age 48, 1340 SE Florence Dr., #18, Waukee, Iowa, was arrested for Driving while License Suspended.
Theft: Steven Six of Coralville, Iowa, reported a fraud in the 500 block of Rapids St. Item estimated at $879.00.