Auditorium (left) and gym (right)
The high school and career academy project for the Greene County School District has been plagued by weather delays.
Superintendent Tim Christensen says the project is one month behind. However, he points out progress continues as the career academy is almost enclosed and some of the electrical and plumbing has been installed. Almost all of the precast concrete exterior walls are in place and the grading for the auditorium floor has started. As for the academic wing, Christensen notes the second floor concrete has been poured and half of the decking is done.
Christensen adds, construction crews may have to change some plans to make up for lost time.
“They’re going to have to build some enclosures and different things like that. We may look at alternative construction to build this wall to maybe move it from a block wall to precast (concrete wall), we’ve done some of that.”
The School Board recently approved a change order for the project of $120,000. Owner’s Representative for the School District Sam Harding is confident they won’t come close to reaching the maximum of $1 million of contingency the Board allocated towards the project. The projected completion date for the high school and career academy is August 1, 2020.