If you’ve driven on Otley Street in Perry between 10th and 12th streets recently, you’ve seen the latest housing project going up. What you may not realize, though, is the house is being built by high school students.
The Building Trades class at Perry High School has been working on the site since the start of the school year, and instructor Chad Morman says they’ve made a great deal of progress. The walls are mostly up at this point, and Morman’s hope is to have it enclosed by Thanksgiving. Superintendent Clark Wicks says the excitement surrounding the project can be felt throughout the community, though he adds that the practical experience the students are getting is an even bigger deal. “They’re learning a ton. All of the aspects, from plumbing, to electrical, to the carpentry work is being learned, and it is so exciting to see those kids engaged. And also we’ve had a lot of good help from the community, and it’s just been a great team effort. And kudos to the Building Trades students as well as Mr. Morman for the work on that.”
In order to pay for the initial construction, the Perry School Board recently approved an interfund loan of $160,000 from the General Fund to the Student Construction Fund. Wicks says the District’s hope is to have the house finished and sold by May, and then use the proceeds from the sale to fund the construction project in the next school year.