County Tax Coordinator Pam Olerich (standing) going through the urban renewal report with Supervisors
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, it was reported that the City of Jefferson will continue to provide curbside pickup for recycling, but no other cities want to move forward with curbside, but will keep the drop-off locations.
Also during open forum, the Board authorized Information Technology Administrator Michelle Fields to have Durlam Electric install a cooling unit in a new location for the county’s servers in the courthouse for $2,400. The expenses will be paid from the county’s general fund.
County Engineer Wade Weiss then updated the Board. He said the secondary roads department is looking to fill three positions and they are mixing sand and salt for the winter season, through Wednesday.
Next, the Board approved the urban renewal report for the 2019 fiscal year. Additionally, the Board approved several resolutions to authorize the issuance of $4,755,000 in general obligation urban renewal capital loan notes. They approved a post-issuance compliance policy, as required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); appointed UMB Bank in West Des Moines as the paying agent, note registrar and transfer agent, along with authorizing a loan agreement and the tax exemption certificate and continuing disclosure certificate. The agreement is for ten years that the county will repay the general obligation loan with tax increment financing (TIF) funds from the wind turbines for the career academy project with the Greene County School District.
The Board then canvassed the votes for those who voted for the Greene County School District from Boone County. The final votes were Steve Fisher with 978, John McConnell with 912 and Randy Lebeck with 427. Fisher and McConnell were re-elected to the school board.
Finally, the Board decided not to offer long-term disability for county employees as part of the county’s healthcare plan.