Perry Chamber of Commerce
Raccoon Valley Bank
Q: Name the five branch locations for your locally owned Raccoon Valley Bank?
A: Perry, Minburn, Adel, Dallas Center and Grimes
DCH Family Medicine
Q: How many providers are ready to care for all of your health care needs at both DCH Family Medicine locations in Perry and Panora?
A: There are 7 providers between the two locations in Perry and Panora.
Q: True or False? DCH Family Medicine in Perry and Panora is only for senior citizens ages 55 and over?
A: False, DCH Family Medicine in Perry and Panora serves all ages from infants to senior citizens and is there for all of your family’s needs.
Perry Chamber of Commerce
Q: 2020 will mark what year for the annual Perry Chamber of Commerce Bike Ride to Rippey or BRR Ride?
A: 43rd
Q: Name a business that the Perry Chamber of Commerce has hosted a ribbon cutting for in 2019?
A: Bens Five and Dime, Wells Fargo, Alano Club, Oasis Restaurant, Art on the Prarie/Atelier at 1109, Bluejay Market, Bet and Bev’s BBQ, Osmundson Manufacturing, SwanAntics, Spellman,McDevitt Law Firm, Studio on 2nd, Quality Auto and Body, Minburn Communications.
Hyvee Jefferson
Jefferson A&W
Q: What day of the week is Coney Dog day?
A: Tuesday
Complete Insurance
Complete Insurance
Q: Complete Insurance is an independent agency. One of their carriers is on your side. What’s the name of the company that’s on your side.
Carroll Hydraulics
Q: What phrase is Earl famous for saying when it comes to snowplow hydraulics?
A: Do Not Cut The Wires!
Q: On the radio, Earl & his daughter, Charlene, are known as what?
A: Earl & the Girl
Adel/Winterset TV and Appliance
Peoples Savings Bank
Q: At Peoples Bank, 8 of the 9 Branches are powered by what?
A: Solar Panels
Q: Peoples Bank has been serving Iowans since?
A: 1917
Q: At Peoples bank, get _______ up with checking that earns you more.
A: Hyped
Paton Pit Stop
Paton Pit Stop
Q. Paton Pit Stop is one of how many convenience stores in Paton?
A: One
Community State Bank
Q: True or False? Community State Bank is an independent bank?
A: True
Q: What year was Community State Bank founded?
A: 1956