In addition to the annual Veterans Day Celebration at Perry High School Monday, the staff and students in the District were also recognized for their accomplishments by a local veterans group.
The Perry Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post 2060 presented their annual Teacher of the Year awards that afternoon, and also announced the winners of the student essay contests. The ceremony was led by members of the VFW, and was held in the Perry Performing Arts Center. The teacher of the year awards included: high school social studies teacher Gary Overla; eighth grade social studies teacher Sarah Iben; and second grade teacher Lyndsey Buhrman.
As for the students, high school senior Fatima Rodriguez won the VFW’s “Voice of Democracy” award for her audio diary, which will now be considered at the district contest. The theme for the contest was “What Makes America Great?” Three middle school students were also honored for their essays in the “Patriot Pen” contest, including eighth graders Kaitlyn Leber and Egan Leber, and sixth grader Ty Brokaw, who received the gold, silver, and bronze awards, respectively.