Chief Eric Vaughn Awarded the 2017 Perry Rotary Club Civil Servant of the Year
The Perry Rotary Club is looking for nominations from the community, as they seek to honor a public employee with their 2019 Civil Servant of the Year Award.
Eligible individuals are those who work or volunteer in law enforcement, the fire department, ambulance squad, emergency services, health care, or human and community services. All nominees will be considered by the Perry Rotary Club’s selection committee. The winner will be notified by the committee, and will be presented the award at a Perry City Council meeting. Nomination forms can be obtained from any Rotarian, at Perry City Hall, or the Perry Public Library. Completed forms can be dropped off or mailed to the library at 1101 Willis Avenue.
The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. on Friday, December 20th. The most recent winners of the award were Police Chief Eric Vaughn in 2017 and 21st Century Rehab Director Clint Lutterman in 2018.