The Perry Parks and Recreation Department is pairing with staff from the Perry Hy-Vee to offer a cooking course for kids.
The class will be held this Wednesday from 2:30-3:15 p.m. at the McCreary Community Building. It will be led by Hy-Vee Dietitian Rebecca Harkens, and is open to kids ages 5-12. Attendees will learn how to make three different Thanksgiving-themed dishes, including “Turkey” sandwiches, pumpkin pie bites, and apple pie smoothies. Each recipe is health-conscious and easy for kids to make. Parks and Rec promises that participants will have fun creating the tasty recipes, while also getting hands-on cooking experience.
The cost to attend is $15 per child, and registration is required. To sign up, either stop into the McCreary Center, or visit their online registration page by clicking the link below.