
A reminder: tickets are still available for the Jefferson Rotary Dinner and Auction tomorrow.

The event takes place at the Greene Room events center at Wild Rose Casino and Resorts in Jefferson. It is the annual fundraiser for the local service club. Last year’s auction brought in over $35,000. The proceeds are then distributed to local projects and organizations, in addition toRotary International and Rotary District 6000. 

Along with the live and silent auction items will be various other games attendees can enjoy. There will be several $250 cash raffles, a meat raffle for a $100 gift certificate to either Jefferson Hy-Vee or Fareway, Heads or Tails with a chance to win $100 cash, and Plinko for a chance to win a variety of $20 gift certificates from area businesses. Currently there are close to 40 silent and 30 live auction items. 

The event starts with a social hour at 5:30pm, followed by a prime rib dinner at 6:30. The auction will wrap up the evening. Tickets are $50 each and can be purchased by contacting Auction Chair Carol Durbin at 515-302-8050 or by clicking the link below.

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