
The West Central Valley High School is bringing two imaginative stories to life with their fall drama production.

This year’s fall play is An Evening of One Acts, with the plays “Oz” by Don Zoldis and “The Internet is Distract… Oh Look a Kitten!” by Ian McWethy. The first play’s synopsis resembles the “The Wizard of Oz” but with more of a modern flare which mixes hilarity and heart-wrenching exploration of grief and perseverance on the road to acceptance.

Senior Larissa Crawford can hardly contain her laughter when describing her favorite scene of both plays, “I definitely like the first scene of the ‘Oz’ one that’s my favorite one. It’s like okay so because the sister just recently passed it’s like a wake but it’s not like a sad wake it’s like a happy wake and Beth is kind of like off in her own world super upset and everything. And then the second scene it like, goes wild.”

The second play is about a character named Micah who only has 20 minutes to finish her paper on “The Great Gatsby,” but then falls down a rabbit hole of distraction that the internet provides. An Evening of One Acts will take place this Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. at the high school gym in Stuart. Tickets are $6 at the door.