Guthrie Center residents have given the City the green light to fund a new aquatic center bathhouse and public restroom facility at Mitchell Park, with an overwhelming majority voting “yes” at Tuesday’s election.
The ballot measure asking to enter into a loan agreement for an amount not exceeding $800,000 to demolish the current bathhouse and construct, furnish and equip a new one passed with 187 votes, or 70.57%, according to the unofficial results. Guthrie Center Parks and Recreation Board President Chris Bunde says it feels very good to have the referendum pass on its first try, and he thanks voters on behalf of the Board and the City, “Speaking personally, as a parent of children in the Guthrie Center community, we really appreciate the support. We appreciate the commitment to continuing to want to update the facilities and the recreational areas in Guthrie Center. So the support is appreciated and we look forward to continuing to grow opportunities and to grow the resources that we have to enjoy the outdoor areas in Guthrie Center.”
Bunde also thanks MSA Professional Services for their help in creating the initial design and helping promote the project. The next step will be for MSA to finish the full blueprint, with a bid letting anticipated for early 2020. Bunde hopes for demolition and construction to begin after next summer, with the building ready by summer of 2021.