
The colder months are here, and there’s a program that can help make heating and electrical payments easier for some homeowners. 

New Opportunities Greene County Coordinator Teresa Lansman says households can qualify for the Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Households that are 175-percent of the federal poverty level can qualify to receive a lump sum payment to help offset heating costs this winter. One of the guidelines is a household’s income level. A family of four that makes a gross annual income of $45,063 would qualify. Lansman points out, this federally funded program is needed for Greene County.

“This program helps so many families. Last year we signed up about 470 households. We are grateful. It’s amazing that the families don’t have the concern of if they’re lights are going to be shut off because they are protected.”

Lansman explains, once you are signed up, the gas and electric companies can’t shut off heat or power through April 1, 2020. She adds how useful this program can be. 

“Winter can be a hard time. You might have a $600 electric bill, and it would be the month of December with Christmas and everything, if you’re protected to be able to pay a little at a time from being disconnected, that helps.”    

To sign up for the program, individuals need Social Security cards of everyone in the household, proof of income and a current gas and electric bill. To schedule an appointment with Lansman, contact New Opportunities at 515-386-2719.