In August of 2018, the Frio Ice Cream Shop opened in Perry, under the umbrella of Maxwell Hospitality, the company of Hotel Pattee Owner Tom Maxwell. However, the shop will now come under new ownership, as Maxwell announced he sold it to Jose Calderon, the owner of the popular El Tren taco truck.
Maxwell told Raccoon Valley Radio that Frio proved to be a lot more work than any on his staff could fully handle, though he praised the efforts of Jenny Eklund, who ran it this past summer. In selling the shop to Calderon, Maxwell said it’s bittersweet, but he also felt it’s the right thing to do for the community. “I mean obviously we were so pleased to bring Frio to Perry and get it built and get it started. It just requires a lot of manpower to run. So we were looking for an option of how we could maintain Frio for Perry, but then sell it to the right people. And obviously Jose Calderon and his family are the perfect option for us. I just want to thank everybody in this community that supported it. It’s fun, I’m glad we did it, and I think it’s in great hands moving forward!”
The sale of Frio is now official, though the timeline is unknown for when the shop will reopen under the new management. Maxwell added, in their discussions, Calderon indicated he would use some of the space for a restaurant, allowing El Tren to be open for a lot more of the year.