We’ve entered the last two months of 2019, which means there will only be a few more chances to celebrate the 70th anniversary of famous conservationist Aldo Leopold’s “Sand County Almanac” along with Dallas County Conservation, and one of those opportunities is this weekend.
On Sunday from 2-4 p.m. at the Kuehn Conservation Area southwest of Adel, the public is invited to learn about three specific essays from the Almanac and discuss their importance in today’s society. The essays to be discussed on this occasion include: “If I Were the Wind,” “Axe in Hand,” and “Mighty Fortress.” During the program, attendees will: listen, watch, and become the wind; examine their trees, tools, thinking, and biases; and look at the crop of wisdom provided by woodland areas like Kuehn.
Conservation promises the program will be educational, enlightening, and entertaining at the same time. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. To learn more or to sign up, stop in or call Forest Park Museum in Perry at 515-465-3569.